,,Supported by a grant from Norway"

,,Co-financed by the State Budget of the Slovak Republic"





,,A home must be a safe place for everybody"



Project Title: The Women´s Safe House


Source of Support: Norwegian Financial Mechanism – program area SK 09: Domestic and gender-based violence, State Budget of the Slovak Republic





Total Sum of Project Grant Funding: EUR 667, 939

Project Co-funding from Partners: EUR 83, 964

Extent of Project Grant: approximately 88% (85% NFM, 15% state budget of the SR)

Project Partners: DOMOV-DÚHA civic association, Bratislava Self-Governing Region, Brána do života civic association, Glamdal Krisesenter IKS (Norway)

Project Duration: to 30. 4. 2017


The Safe Home for Women project was implemented in cooperation with the Bratislava Self-Governing Region and Brána do života civic association and the Norwegian crisis centre Glamdal Krisesenter IKS, acting as a non-funding partner. This join partnership project is funded from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism (the NFM) and the state budget of the Slovak Republic.


The main goal of the project is to contribute to a complex solution of long-term problems of crisis centres for women in need by establishing specialized safe homes which will provide comprehensive services for this target group. The problems of existing crisis centres (KS DOMOV DÚHA a Brána do života) are mainly those of capacity and economic nature. However, they are left unsolved due to frequently changing legislation followed by the respective organizational and/or financing changes.


The secondary project objective is a provision of professional and material aid necessary for the establishment of specialized safe homes for women. The Bratislava Self-Governing Region, as the project partner, provides a building, in addition to its expert skills and experience with designing concepts in social area and networking of similar centres. After renovation, the building serves as a safe home for women.


Thanks to the project, a new facility has been created, and in already existing another one, new services have been made available. Both centres are thus ready to provide assistance, support and services to women (and their children) suffering from or at risk of violence. The two facilities are also accessible for persons with impaired mobility: one with the capacity of 6 family places/10 women and the second one offering 12 family places/30 women.



DOMOV-DÚHA https://en-domovduha.webnode.sk/

Brána do života https://branadozivota.sk/

Glamdal Krisesenter IKS https://www.glamdalkrisesenter.no/

Bratislava Self-Governing Region  https://www.region-bsk.sk